Below are pictures of the frame-up that Ben got done today for the closets. There will be a door cut through the wall to go into the other room. The other is some of the electricity in the master bath.

My "conquering" part today was meeting with the wedding coordinators at the church. Since Ben and I go to a "mega" church, there is no sanctuary or chapel for us to get married in, therefore we had to use another church. The church we chose has the second longest center aisle in Atlanta!! (Yes, between my dad and I, one of us will trip!) When you reserve the church, it's like booking an all-inclusive package. You get the church, minister, organist, wedding coordinators, and clean-up crew. The wedding coordinators that I met today were so very sweet and we got all the details nailed out. They even told me I was a "Simple Bride"!! I need to tell my dad this, because he would beg to differ ;) One of the ladies was born and raised Southern Baptist, so when we got to the part of them telling me about the Prayer Bench, she giggled and explained what I'd have to do.
Now they started telling me to make sure my guests new to park in the back parking lot. For most of the guest, it will be the second one they come to, so naturally they will pull into the first lot. Now my St. Jude friends will understand why I asked "do you have directional signs pointing where they should go to park?" You would have thought I was a genius! Needless to say, I shot an e-mail to my work sign man and he's printing me up two yard signs for parking.
We ended the day with our second pre-marital counseling session. I don't want to brag, BUT, we got a "gold star" from the minister!! Our moms should be so proud!!
Kudos for the gold star!