That's what I repeatedly said from 6:30 p.m. until I went to bed.
Today was dairy day and we were SO excited! We had it ALL planned out! We woke up and had yogurt. I had blueberry and Ben had black cherry. I use to eat Chobani yogurt but now since I a label reader, it was so difficult to find a yogurt with ingredients I could pronounce. I just can't do the plain yogurt so I need some fruit. I ended up finding Evolution Fresh by Dannon that had a few simple ingredients and it was tasty!
After we ate it, my tummy rumbled but I obviously disregarded it because I had more dairy to eat - we had PLANS!
For lunch, we at the spicy chicken stew I made the night before with a little cheese on top. My stomach hurt a little after but I was trying to think that it was for the spicy stew.
I decided to go grab a flu shot in the afternoon and treated myself after to the new Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks. It was GLORIOUS!!!! It was the best thing I've had in 37 days! My stomach was fine (aka - I will have more!) so I was hoping it was just the spicy stew.
On our way home, my stomach just started not feeling right. It then turned into just plain hurting and cramping and did not stop! Three hours later, I crawled into bed and it still hurt - not as bad, but still hurt.
Ice cream is the devil for me!! Ben also wasn't feeling great after the ice cream and knows he probably shouldn't eat it as much but he was not as bad as me.
Dairy + Courtney = Evil!!!
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