Monday, October 12, 2015

Post Whole30....Legumes

Today we woke up and were "officially" off Whole30 but started the reintroduction process. We both weighed ourselves. Here's the kicker, I weighed about the end of week 2 (but did not look, Ben looked) and Ben weighed at the beginning on a random scale. We think I lost approximately 15 lbs and Ben lost approximately 20 lbs.

HUGE WIN in the weight department. Now we just need to be mindful of our food choices. Ben wants to lose more and I just want to maintain and tone.

We were super excited to have peanut butter this morning on an apple. We used the pb that I normally eat which has "less sugar". Honestly, it tasted weird to me but Ben said it was fine to him.

For lunch we were suppose to eat edamame, but I forgot... Ben had his.

We both had headaches during the day. Was it the legumes?!?!

We had a side of black beans with dinner and they were gross. Not sure if it was the brand or the fact that we haven't had legumes in 30 days.

At the end of the day, we weren't too excited about legumes...

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