We went with or friends the Fordyces and had a great time. The weather was more like football weather and misting but our seats were covered and we were good to go. We made it for 6 innings and decided not to push it. I think that's pretty good considering we had a 9 and 18 month old with us.
I do like to snack during the games on peanuts but we resisted. It honestly wasn't that terribly hard which is shocking.
We came home from the game and had pork and apples for dinner. Nothing fancy but it worked. As usual, I made enough for lunch the following day. As I was packing our lunches I said - I do like knowing what I'm having for lunch the next day and just having it with me. I haven't had this thought in a very long time.
Only 2 more days folks - but lets be real....I'm happy we are making it until 30 but it's really like 12 more days since we are doing the "reintroduction" of food at the end. We both already have our dairy day planned out - Baskin' Robbins before dinner!
I mean, I just couldn't leave this picture out! |
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